What is the relationship between the Big 5 and EQ?
The Big 5 assessments include Workplace Big 5, Matrix Insights Performance Five, and a variety of other five factor models. Some Big Five researchers feel that the factors and sub factors provide sufficient descriptions of the EQ related behaviors. These researchers redefine emotional intelligence from the lens of personality. Research by Dr. Roger Pearman identifies the correlation between the five factors and various subfactors to 54 specific EQ competencies.
What is the relationship between Hogan and EQ?
Hogan has been an avid supporter of personality factors and emotional intelligence. Hogan has a series of reports which highly correlated with independent factors of emotional intelligence. Hogan’s three reports include a number of factors. His research is widely available.
What is the relationship between DISC and EQ? There are currently no studies or reports linking DISC scales and factors to EQ factors.
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