Writer and thinker Paul Tillich wrote, “Our vitality is as great as our intentionality.” By this he means our energy is related to our intention to do so.
Intentional people know what they want. They figure out how to make it happen, and they turn their purpose-driven energy toward getting results. Purpose is about values, and values are emotionally driven. If you can figure out what purpose lines up with your values, both your emotions and your energy will carry you across the goal line. Whether it’s choosing a career or another life direction, it’s important to assess how it lines up with what is important to you. Only then will your choices, actions and enthusiasm all point you in the same contented direction.
If any of these behaviors are true of you or associates with whom you work, you’ll find action tips at EQDashboard.com:
- Approaches life challenges in an ad hoc fashion with no clear goals
- Rarely considers whether efforts are having the desired impact
- Seems uninterested in setting ambitious goals; rarely initiates projects or activities
- Expresses disinterest, boredom or confusion with life’s current direction
- Appears aimless
- Lacks enthusiasm — for anything
Action learning tips and learning assignments on the job are a click away at EQDashboard.com.
You might also consider (a sampling of suggestions from EQDashboard.com ):
Baldoni, John. Lead With Purpose: Giving Your Organization a Reason to Believe in Itself. New York: AMA, 2012.
Covey, Stephen. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. New York: Simon and Schuster, 2004.
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