Whatever your feelings about professional football, or your Team affiliation, this is Super Bowl weekend so you can’t miss the hype. You’d also have to be trying pretty hard to ignore that the New England Patriots are competing for their ninth championship with Tom Brady (41 years young) at quarterback.
How does Tom Brady do it? Or if your team competes against him, you may ask a variation on that question: when will he finally stop?
Is it athleticism? Experience? Luck? Genes? Surely he has all of those, but so does every professional athlete. And virtually none have achieved what Brady has. What’s his secret.? That’s right, it’s Emotional Intelligence, or EQ.
As the likes of Inc., and the Wall Street Journal observed recently, as Brady grew older and his rocket arm aged with him, he changed his game.
What Brady has, more than any other capability, is the emotional competency of Adaptability. And the really good news is that whatever arena you compete in, now we can all have more of that. Read more about the EQ Competency, Adaptability and how to get more of it for you, your team, your clients, or your students right here EQ Dashboard.
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